Tag Archive for: Stomr damaged roof repair
The Evolution of Florida Roofing: Why Homeowners Are Trading Asphalt Shingles for Metal Roofing Systems
For decades, asphalt shingles have been the roofing material of choice for most homeowners across the United States due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. But a major shift has been observed in Florida, where an increasing…
Navigating the Intricacies of Roof Replacement: A Comprehensive Guide
Undertaking a roof replacement is a substantial project, often teeming with a unique set of complexities and uncertainties. This journey, however, is paramount to preserving the integrity of your home, shielding it from the capricious elements.
Navigating Roofing Choices: The Optimal Shingles for Florida Homes
Homeownership is a journey punctuated by essential milestones, one of which involves the inevitable roof replacement. This pivotal decision, usually required once every 15 years or so, can be a significant investment. With myriad shingle brands,…
ReRoofing Versus Roof Replacement: A Comprehensive Examination of Key Differences
A roof is a fundamental part of any building, protecting inhabitants and possessions from the elements. When it comes to roofing maintenance, the decision between reroofing and roof replacement is often perplexing for homeowners. This blog post…
How to Estimate the Cost of Your Roof Replacement in Orlando, FL?
When it comes to replacing your roof, there are a variety of factors that can impact the cost. In Orlando, FL, where the climate can be hot and humid, homeowners need to pay attention to the condition of their roof to ensure that it remains…
Solar vs. Wired Attic Fans: Which is Right for Your Florida Home?
An attic is a space located directly below the roof of a building. It is typically used for storage, but it can also be used for living space. Attics are often hot and humid, especially in Florida, where the climate is warm and humid year-round.…
Choosing the Right Shingle Color: Tips from Central Florida’s Top Roofing Experts
When it comes to roofing, many homeowners focus on the material and durability of shingles. But, color can also have an enormous effect on your home's energy efficiency, curb appeal, resale value, and overall protection. In this article, we'll…
Discover the Top 12 Roofing Trends to Look Out for in 2023
As a roofing company that has been in business for almost five decades, we have seen various roofing trends come and go. In 2023, there are some exciting roofing trends that we are looking forward to seeing more of. In this article, we will…
Why Your Metal Roof Needs High-Quality Fasteners for Longevity and Protection
Metal roofs are a popular choice among homeowners in Central Florida due to their durability and longevity. However, many people overlook the importance of quality fasteners when installing a metal roof. The fasteners are the components that…
Avoid Costly Mistakes with Your Commercial Roof: Evaluate Damage Indicators First!
The roof is a very important part of any building. When owners experience some issues, they are not sure if they need to replace their roofs or if repairing will be enough. However, it is very important to know if your roof requires replacement…