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Does your Roof need a Replacement? A Guide to Identifying the Signs

Your roof is the pivotal foundation that protects your home against the ravages of the elements, and all kinds of damages and destruction. Did you play an active role in the construction of your house? Homeowners who are involved in the construction process have a fair idea of the roof installation and can easily identify when the roof needs a replacement.

However, if you bought a constructed house, this endeavor can prove trick. Keep reading to discover the signs that indicate your roof urgently needs an upgrade.

Your roof plays a critical role in helping to keep your home and everything in it safe from the elements.

Signs of an Aging Roof

Over the years, the roof starts to age and these signs are clearly visible to homeowners who undertake regular roof inspections. You see, unlike the rest of the property, the roof is completely exposed to the mercy of the elements, rainstorms, thunderstorms, snowstorms and violent winds. Excessive wear and tear can make the roof structure increasingly susceptible to damages and destruction.

For instance, the shingles start to deteriorate and the roof becomes vulnerable to leakages, allowing moisture to seep in through the attic. Many of these signs can be easily observed from a vantage point on the ground, for instance, you can examine the condition of the shingles without climbing atop the roof.

Let’s take a closer look at some signs that indicate the roof is way past its prime.

Damaged Shingles

Asphalt shingles are added to keep the roof flattened without any edges to capture the wind and prevent it from interfering with the water overflow. When the roofs start to become uneven, cupped, curled or even slightly concaved from the center, it’s a clear indication that your roof is aging and needs an upgrade.

Have the shingles on your roof started to become bald? Asphalt shingles come with granular coating that protects the shingles against the pressure of the wind, or the aggressive ultraviolet rays of the sun. over the years, the roof shingles start to lose their granular coating, which speeds up the aging process as the UV rays of the sun cause the shingles to become increasingly vulnerable and weak.

Once the granular coating wears off, the shingles are completely exposed to the UV rays of the sun and they start to dry out. With time, cracks start appearing on the surface of the shingles, rendering them unable to perform their function. If you notice that color of your shingles is starting to fade, note this down as a sign that your roof needs an immediate replacement.

Discoloration & Dark Smears

This may not be a foundational damage, but it is a problem that will undermine the aesthetic appeal of your house, especially if you’re planning to sell your property. The emergence of dark smears indicates the growth of algae and fungus, which also indicates that your roof is starting to attract and retain moisture.

If allowed to grow unstopped, fungus and algae can deteriorate the roof shingles and their granular coating, making your roof increasingly vulnerable. If you spot discoloration and dark smears, engage a professional immediately so you can perform the necessary repairs and stop the damage in its tracks.

The Emergence of Moss

Is your roof covered with moss? Excessive moss on the roof can speed up the aging process, causing the shingles and granules to deteriorate at the speed of lightening. Moss also runs the risk of retaining water on the roof, which exerts pressure by increasing the weight and making the structure highly susceptible to damages.

Weather-related Roof Damages

Mother Nature is both kind and vengeful, and the roof acts as the premier defense against the forces of the element and natural disasters. While some regions attract harsh UV rays of the sun, others are more prone to violent storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. Generally, nearly all the regions and states experience hailstorms in the summer, and snowstorms in the winter.

Weather hazards like storms can cause unprecedented damages to the roof structure. For instance, a hailstorm can cause overwhelming damage to the gutters, flashing and shingles, and it’s crucial to undertake a thorough roof inspection once the storm subsides. You can spot the signs by examining the roof for cracks, loss of granules and cracks in the shingles.

Strong winds that typically emerge after a storm can damage the roof at an alarming rate. Tornado-like winds can completely blow off the roof, leaving a large section of the structure completely unexposed to snow and winds. Even if the shingles retain their actual place, they tend to curl up and lose their ability to prevent water retention.

Water Retention & Leakages

Water build-up and leakages are an alarming indication that your roof is severely damaged, and now threatens to damage the entire structure of your property. Once the roof starts leaking, it doesn’t take long for the water to trickle down the attic and seep into the structural foundation of the home. Therefore, a leaking roof is an issue that demands immediate attention and we advise engaging a professional without delay.

You see, when the roof is no longer able to resist water retention, the roof deck quickly gets damaged, and water starts seeping through the insulation and drywall. This lays the ground for mold growth, and these hazards don’t take long to damage the foundation of a property.


A house comes with time-consuming and hectic maintenance needs, and roof maintenance is a crucial endeavor, regardless of how busy your routine may be. An unprotected roof translates into an unprotected property, and if you cannot undertake this responsibility yourself, it’s crucial to engage a professional without delay.
Many issues are hard to detect for homeowners who are unfamiliar with roof structures and functionalities. For instance, in the case of water leakages, identifying the source of the leakage is extremely challenging. However, a professional can perform this task within minutes, using the right tools and expertise.

About Gold Key Roofing

Our highly trained, certified roofing professionals inspect, test, evaluate and calculate all the necessary data from your project to provide your home with the ultimate protection – providing you with time-tested peace of mind.

In an industry where many roofers are in business today and out-of-business tomorrow, it is unusual to find a company like Gold Key Roofing with our experience and proven record of quality and reliability since 1975.


About Gold Key Roofing

Our highly trained, certified roofing professionals inspect, test, evaluate and calculate all the necessary data from your project to provide your home with the ultimate protection – providing you with time-tested peace of mind.

In an industry where many roofers are in business today and out-of-business tomorrow, it is unusual to find a company like Gold Key Roofing with our experience and proven record of quality and reliability since 1975.

Roofing Services Offered in Orlando and surrounding Central Florida Areas:

Residential Roof Repair Roof Cleaning
Residential Roof Replacement Roof Claims Assistance
Commercial Roof Repair Blown-In Insulation
Commercial Roof Replacement